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How To Score 8777 In IELTS General For PR Visa?
8777 in ielts

How To Score 8777 In IELTS General?

Immigration to Canada is a dream come true for many individuals and professionals. Canada is a country that not just excels in terms of providing international education but also shows significant elements in providing a higher standard of living for immigrants. The amount of opportunities that Canada offers to its immigrants is tremendous.

But how is the IELTS score related to immigration? Why scoring 8777 in IELTS is a crucial factor? And what are some strategies to achieve that? 

Let us answer all of these questions through this blog.

What is the 8777 IELTS score?

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a test that tests your English proficiency. It is a test that is designed for study abroad students, individuals, and professionals who wish to work abroad or get a permanent residency visa for Canada, Australia, and other countries. 

Many countries around the world as a part of their immigration eligibility criteria consider IELTS test scores to choose the right applicants. This is where IELTS becomes a crucial aspect when it comes to immigration.

8777 represents the band across all the 4 IELTS sections that someone would require to achieve in order to increase the chances of selection in the PR application process.

8777 in IELTS and CLB

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)

CLB is an indicator of the English Proficiency/Mastery of the Canadian Government. There are two tests that decide the CLB levels namely the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

So, depending on your IELTS or CELPIP test, you will be scored from level 4 to 10. 

Here is a table that shows the points awarded based on the CLB levels

CLB Levels Points with spouse Points without spouse
Less than 4
4 or 5
10 or more

As we said earlier, depending upon the CLB level someone scores, he/she is awarded points during the immigration process.

For someone who scores 8777 in IELTS, a CLB Level 9 is assigned. This indicates that he/she will get 50 points instead of 25 for skill transferability factors, and in addition to this, he/she will get 50 points instead of 25 for foreign experience in work.

This is significant because a CLB level 9 applicant will score 50 points more in transferability and foreign experience in work than someone who has CLB level 8. Not just that, A CLB level 9 applicant will also get 32 points more in language ability than someone who has scored CLB level 8.

It is to be noted that transferability and foreign experience are not the only factors that influence your PR application process. There are other factors such as language, education, age, adaptability, work experience, and arranged employment that influence your PR visa application.

Why is 8777 in IELTS general Important for Canada PR visa?

Canada is encouraging immigrants to tackle the economic instability in the country. But this doesn’t mean Canada loves to welcome everyone. The country is looking out for skilled employees to uplift the country’s economy. Skill transferability indicates how soon the applicant can become productive to the preferred destination. 

And, due to this very reason, the skill transferability factor is included in the immigration process.

Let’s take a step back and try to understand some basic terms. Getting a PR visa and successful immigration are two different terms. 

A successful PR visa doesn’t mean the applicant has landed his/her dream job. But successful immigration indicates that not only the PR is approved but the applicant has also got the job of his/her choice. 

Coming back to our PR visa process, the skill transferability factor plays a major role. So, the higher the points someone gets for this factor, the more their application is preferred. Even a 0.5 difference in your IELTS score will affect the CLB level which in turn will affect the skill transferability factor.

This is exactly why 8777 is considered a magical score in IELTS.

It is not mandatory to have 8777 bands in IELTS for your PR visa. But it can have a significant effect on your PR application process and hence it is important to score 8777.

Now let’s answer the most important question, how to score 8777 in IELTS general?

Tips to score 8777 in IELTS General:

Scoring 8777 in LRWS(Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) is not that easy. You need to strategically plan your IELTS preparations. Here are a few tips that will help you score 8777 in IELTS.

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Before you start focusing on any single section in IELTS, learn to know your strengths and weaknesses. Mock tests are a great way to help you in knowing this. Once you know where you are scoring less, you can go double down on it and convert it as your strength. Don’t ignore your strengths while you focus on your weaknesses. Strategically divide your time based on how weak you are with a certain topic/section. 

For example, 60% of your time can be used to focus on those areas in which you struggle and 40% on your strengths.

2. Practice under timed conditions:

This is such an underrated tip. Even if it is your first time, practicing a certain topic or question, learn to do it under timed conditions.

When you consistently practice with a timer, you will automatically learn to manage the limited time available to you well. Time management is a game-changing factor in IELTS.

Actually, one of the easiest ways to score high in your writing section is to manage your time well. Because you will then have some time to proofread your answers which will help you in identifying those silly yet crucial mistakes in your answer.

3. Learn about IELTS inside out

Not many students do this. But this can be a game-changer tip when it comes to IELTS. When we say learn about IELTS, we are asking you to learn everything, from the ways the questions are structured to the way your answers are scored. Knowing the criteria in which your answers are scored is important.

Because then it will help you focus on those factors that will bring you more marks. For instance, in the writing section, your answers are scored based on these 4 factors.

  • Lexical resource
  • Grammar
  • Cohesion and coherent
  • Task achievement

Now when you know these are what will get you more marks, you tend to gain mastery over these 4 aspects.

This is why learning IELTS is very important.

4. Mock Tests

As earlier mentioned, mock tests are a great way to identify your strengths and weaknesses. But not just that, the mock test is basically a simulation of the original IELTS test. When you attempt more and more mock tests, your confidence skyrockets. You are bound to score high when you consistently practice in the right way, and mock tests are a brilliant way to do that.

If you wish to take a free mock test, then take up CK Academy’s free mock test. You will also get a free feedback session from top IELTS experts. In order to help you more, you also get a customized study plan and all official Cambridge study materials.


Click below to register for the free mock test

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